Post by sprezzo on Oct 13, 2022 1:00:57 GMT
Hello all, this is a program I was able to make within the last year or so. The introduction is kinda complicated, but to give it a shot: Remember spirograph? That's the thing where you start with a few gears or wheels that can mutually rotate around each other, and if you trace the end of any gear with a pen it will draw a cool squiggle pattern. Fair enough. Ever tried to predict the pattern the gears will draw? Or, to turn the problem around: if you are given an arbitrary curve, can you figure out which spirograph gears you will need in order to perfectly trace that curve? That's the question solved by this epicycles program, more or less. Click and drag the mouse to draw a curve, preferably a closed curve, and watch what happens:
Option _Explicit
Do Until _ScreenExists: Loop
_Title "Epicycles"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Type Vector
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Dim RunningMode As Integer ' 0=mouse, 1=lissajoux, 2=etc
RunningMode = 0
Dim As Long N, j, kh, i, m
Dim As Double x0, y0, xp, yp, t
Dim As Vector RawDataPoint(0 To 100000)
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), BF
Color _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(255, 255, 255)
Locate 1, 1
Print "Click & Drag to draw a curve."
Line (0, _Height / 2)-(_Width, _Height / 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 255)
Line (_Width / 2, 0)-(_Width / 2, _Height), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 255)
N = 0
If (Command$ = "") Then
If (RunningMode = 0) Then
If (N = 0) Then
N = GatherMousePoints&(RawDataPoint(), 5)
End If
End If
If (RunningMode <> 0) Then
N = 250
For j = 0 To N - 1
RawDataPoint(j).x = 0
RawDataPoint(j).y = 0
End If
RunningMode = 0
Open Command$ For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, x0, y0
RawDataPoint(N).x = x0
RawDataPoint(N).y = y0
N = N + 1
Close #1
End If
ReDim GivenPoint(0 To N) As Vector
For j = 0 To N - 1
GivenPoint(j) = RawDataPoint(j)
ReDim As Vector Q(N - 1)
ReDim As Double rad(N - 1)
ReDim As Double phase(N - 1)
ReDim As Long omega(N - 1)
ReDim As Double urad(N - 1)
ReDim As Double uphase(N - 1)
ReDim As Long uomega(N - 1)
ReDim As Vector CalculatedPath(N)
ReDim As Vector ProtoPath(N * 60)
ReDim As Vector PathSegmentsA(N, N)
ReDim As Vector PathSegmentsB(N, N)
For j = 0 To N - 1
omega(j) = j
If (j > N / 2) Then omega(j) = j - N
DFT Q(j).x, Q(j).y, GivenPoint(), j
rad(j) = Sqr(Q(j).x * Q(j).x + Q(j).y * Q(j).y)
phase(j) = _Atan2(Q(j).y, Q(j).x)
If (RunningMode = 1) Then
For j = 0 To (N - 1)
rad(j) = 0
phase(j) = 0
Dim aa
Dim bb
aa = 1
bb = 3
rad(aa) = 30
rad(bb) = 30
phase(aa) = -_Pi
phase(bb) = 3 * _Pi / 4
rad(N - aa) = 30
rad(N - bb) = 30
phase(N - aa) = 0
phase(N - bb) = -3 * _Pi / 4
End If
If (RunningMode = 2) Then
For j = 0 To (N - 1)
rad(j) = 0
phase(j) = 0
aa = 1
bb = 1
rad(aa) = 50
phase(aa) = -_Pi / 2
rad(N - bb) = 25
phase(N - bb) = _Pi / 2
End If
For j = 0 To N - 1
uomega(j) = omega(j)
urad(j) = rad(j)
uphase(j) = phase(j)
Call QuickSort(0, N - 1, rad(), phase(), omega())
'Open "epi-out.txt" For Output As #1
'For j = 0 To N - 1
' Print #1, omega(j), Chr$(9), rad(j), Chr$(9), phase(j)
'Close #1
'Open "epi-uout.txt" For Output As #1
'For j = 0 To N - 1
' Print #1, uomega(j), Chr$(9), urad(j), Chr$(9), uphase(j)
'Close #1
m = 0
CalculatedPath(0).x = GivenPoint(0).x
CalculatedPath(0).y = GivenPoint(0).y
For t = 0 To 2 * _Pi Step 2 * _Pi / N
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
For j = 0 To N - 1
PathSegmentsA(m, j).x = x0
PathSegmentsA(m, j).y = y0
xp = rad(j) * Cos(phase(j) + t * omega(j))
yp = -rad(j) * Sin(phase(j) + t * omega(j))
x0 = x0 + xp
y0 = y0 + yp
PathSegmentsB(m, j).x = x0
PathSegmentsB(m, j).y = y0
CalculatedPath(m).x = x0
CalculatedPath(m).y = y0
m = m + 1
i = 0
m = 0
For t = 0 To (2 * _Pi) Step (2 * _Pi / (N * 60))
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
For j = 0 To N - 1
xp = rad(j) * Cos(phase(j) + t * omega(j))
yp = -rad(j) * Sin(phase(j) + t * omega(j))
x0 = x0 + xp
y0 = y0 + yp
If (j = i) Then
ProtoPath(m).x = x0
ProtoPath(m).y = y0
Exit For
End If
m = m + 1
For j = 0 To N - 1
kh = _KeyHit
Locate 1, 1
Print "Approximation "; _Trim$(Str$(i)); " of "; _Trim$(Str$(N - 1)); ". Press any key to restart."
Line (_Width / 2, _Height - 100)-(_Width / 2, _Height - 40), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 55)
For m = 0 To N - 1
Call CCircleF(GivenPoint(m).x, GivenPoint(m).y, 3, _RGB(155, 155, 155, 255))
For m = 0 To N - 2
Call LineSmooth(CalculatedPath(m).x, CalculatedPath(m).y, CalculatedPath(m + 1).x, CalculatedPath(m + 1).y, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 75))
For m = 0 To i
Call CCircle(PathSegmentsA(j, m).x, PathSegmentsA(j, m).y, rad(m), _RGB32(0, 127, 255, 155))
Call LineSmooth(PathSegmentsA(j, m).x, PathSegmentsA(j, m).y, PathSegmentsB(j, m).x, PathSegmentsB(j, m).y, _RGB32(28, 28, 255, 155))
For m = 0 To (j - 0) * 60
Call CCircleF(ProtoPath(m).x, ProtoPath(m).y, 1, _RGB32(255, 0, 255 * m / j, 255))
'CALL LineSmooth(ProtoPath(m).x, ProtoPath(m).y, ProtoPath(m + 60).x, ProtoPath(m + 60).y, _RGB32(255, 0, 255 * m / j, 255))
Dim nn
nn = N
'IF nn > 100 THEN nn = 100
For m = 0 To N - 1
y0 = .9 * _Width / nn
x0 = uomega(m) * y0 - y0 / 2
Call CLineBF(x0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40, x0 + y0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40 + 20 * Log(1 + urad(m)), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 55))
If (urad(m) > .001) Then
Call CLineBF(x0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40, x0 + y0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40 + 10 * (uphase(m)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0, 55))
End If
For m = 0 To i
y0 = .9 * _Width / nn
x0 = omega(m) * y0 - y0 / 2
Call CLineBF(x0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40, x0 + y0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40 + 20 * Log(1 + rad(m)), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 155))
If (rad(m) > .001) Then
Call CLineBF(x0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40, x0 + y0, -(_Height) / 2 + 40 + 10 * (phase(m)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0, 105))
End If
'_DELAY .5
_Delay .1 / N
_Limit 60
If (kh <> 0) Then Exit Do
If (i = N - 1) Then
'i = 0
i = i + 1 + Int(Sqr(i))
If (i >= N) Then i = N - 1
End If
If (kh <> 0) Then
kh = 0
Exit Do
End If
_Delay 1
Sub DFT (re As Double, im As Double, arr() As Vector, j0 As Long)
Dim As Long n, k
Dim As Double u, v, arg
n = UBound(arr)
re = 0
im = 0
For k = 0 To n
arg = 2 * _Pi * k * j0 / n
cmul u, v, Cos(arg), Sin(arg), arr(k).x, arr(k).y
re = re + u
im = im - v
re = re / n
im = im / n
End Sub
Sub cmul (u As Double, v As Double, xx As Double, yy As Double, aa As Double, bb As Double)
u = xx * aa - yy * bb
v = xx * bb + yy * aa
End Sub
Sub CCircle (x0 As Double, y0 As Double, rad As Double, shade As _Unsigned Long)
Circle (_Width / 2 + x0, -y0 + _Height / 2), rad, shade
End Sub
Sub CPset (x0 As Double, y0 As Double, shade As _Unsigned Long)
PSet (_Width / 2 + x0, -y0 + _Height / 2), shade
End Sub
Sub CLine (x0 As Double, y0 As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, shade As _Unsigned Long)
Line (_Width / 2 + x0, -y0 + _Height / 2)-(_Width / 2 + x1, -y1 + _Height / 2), shade
End Sub
Sub CLineBF (x0 As Double, y0 As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, shade As _Unsigned Long)
Line (_Width / 2 + x0, -y0 + _Height / 2)-(_Width / 2 + x1, -y1 + _Height / 2), shade, BF
End Sub
Sub CCircleF (x As Long, y As Long, r As Long, c As Long)
Dim As Long xx, yy, e
xx = r
yy = 0
e = -r
Do While (yy < xx)
If (e <= 0) Then
yy = yy + 1
Call CLineBF(x - xx, y + yy, x + xx, y + yy, c)
Call CLineBF(x - xx, y - yy, x + xx, y - yy, c)
e = e + 2 * yy
Call CLineBF(x - yy, y - xx, x + yy, y - xx, c)
Call CLineBF(x - yy, y + xx, x + yy, y + xx, c)
xx = xx - 1
e = e - 2 * xx
End If
Call CLineBF(x - r, y, x + r, y, c)
End Sub
Sub LineSmooth (x0 As Single, y0 As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, c As _Unsigned Long)
' source:
' translated: FellippeHeitor @
' bugfixed for alpha channel
Dim plX As Integer, plY As Integer, plI
Dim steep As _Byte
steep = Abs(y1 - y0) > Abs(x1 - x0)
If steep Then
Swap x0, y0
Swap x1, y1
End If
If x0 > x1 Then
Swap x0, x1
Swap y0, y1
End If
Dim dx, dy, gradient
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
gradient = dy / dx
If dx = 0 Then
gradient = 1
End If
'handle first endpoint
Dim xend, yend, xgap, xpxl1, ypxl1
xend = _Round(x0)
yend = y0 + gradient * (xend - x0)
xgap = (1 - ((x0 + .5) - Int(x0 + .5)))
xpxl1 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
ypxl1 = Int(yend)
If steep Then
plX = ypxl1
plY = xpxl1
plI = (1 - (yend - Int(yend))) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = ypxl1 + 1
plY = xpxl1
plI = (yend - Int(yend)) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = xpxl1
plY = ypxl1
plI = (1 - (yend - Int(yend))) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = xpxl1
plY = ypxl1 + 1
plI = (yend - Int(yend)) * xgap
GoSub plot
End If
Dim intery
intery = yend + gradient 'first y-intersection for the main loop
'handle second endpoint
Dim xpxl2, ypxl2
xend = _Round(x1)
yend = y1 + gradient * (xend - x1)
xgap = ((x1 + .5) - Int(x1 + .5))
xpxl2 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
ypxl2 = Int(yend)
If steep Then
plX = ypxl2
plY = xpxl2
plI = (1 - (yend - Int(yend))) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = ypxl2 + 1
plY = xpxl2
plI = (yend - Int(yend)) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = xpxl2
plY = ypxl2
plI = (1 - (yend - Int(yend))) * xgap
GoSub plot
plX = xpxl2
plY = ypxl2 + 1
plI = (yend - Int(yend)) * xgap
GoSub plot
End If
'main loop
Dim x
If steep Then
For x = xpxl1 + 1 To xpxl2 - 1
plX = Int(intery)
plY = x
plI = (1 - (intery - Int(intery)))
GoSub plot
plX = Int(intery) + 1
plY = x
plI = (intery - Int(intery))
GoSub plot
intery = intery + gradient
For x = xpxl1 + 1 To xpxl2 - 1
plX = x
plY = Int(intery)
plI = (1 - (intery - Int(intery)))
GoSub plot
plX = x
plY = Int(intery) + 1
plI = (intery - Int(intery))
GoSub plot
intery = intery + gradient
End If
Exit Sub
' Change to regular PSET for standard coordinate orientation.
Call CPset(plX, plY, _RGB32(_Red32(c), _Green32(c), _Blue32(c), plI * _Alpha32(c)))
End Sub
Function GatherMousePoints& (arr() As Vector, res As Double)
Dim As Long i
Dim As Double mx, my, xx, yy, delta, xold, yold
xold = 0
yold = 0
i = 0
Do While _MouseInput
mx = _MouseX
my = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
xx = mx - (_Width / 2)
yy = -my + (_Height / 2)
delta = Sqr((xx - xold) ^ 2 + (yy - yold) ^ 2)
If (delta > res) Then
Call CCircleF(xx, yy, 3, _RGB(0, 0, 0))
arr(i).x = xx
arr(i).y = yy
xold = xx
yold = yy
i = i + 1
End If
End If
If ((i > 2) And (Not _MouseButton(1))) Then Exit Do
If (i > 999) Then Exit Do
GatherMousePoints& = i
End Function
Sub QuickSort (LowLimit As Long, HighLimit As Long, rad() As Double, phase() As Double, omega() As Long)
Dim As Long piv
If (LowLimit < HighLimit) Then
piv = Partition(LowLimit, HighLimit, rad(), phase(), omega())
Call QuickSort(LowLimit, piv - 1, rad(), phase(), omega())
Call QuickSort(piv + 1, HighLimit, rad(), phase(), omega())
End If
End Sub
Function Partition (LowLimit As Long, HighLimit As Long, rad() As Double, phase() As Double, omega() As Long)
Dim As Long i, j
Dim As Double pivot, tmp
pivot = rad(HighLimit)
i = LowLimit - 1
For j = LowLimit To HighLimit - 1
tmp = rad(j) - pivot
If (tmp >= 0) Then
i = i + 1
Swap rad(i), rad(j)
Swap phase(i), phase(j)
Swap omega(i), omega(j)
End If
Swap rad(i + 1), rad(HighLimit)
Swap phase(i + 1), phase(HighLimit)
Swap omega(i + 1), omega(HighLimit)
Partition = i + 1
End Function